Overheard: Conversation between Polar Bear and Hedgehog

“Hello Polar Bear,” said Hedgehog.

“Hello my friend,” replied Polar Bear. “What brings you to this warm fleecy blanket?”

“Well,” said Hedgehog, “Did you know it’s Polar Bear Day today? It’s a day humans have created to celebrate you and highlight the challenges you face. It's on 27th February every year.”

“No, I didn’t know that, Hedgie,” replied Polar Bear. “But yes, things are tough for me, aren’t they? Only the other day, I overheard that my icy home is melting at an alarming rate.”

“That is terrible, my dear friend,” replied Hedgehog. “I can’t imagine this world without you. I know I may be small, but I understand how important your home is -not just for you, but for the whole planet.”

“Indeed,” said Polar Bear. “I’m afraid we are left in the hands of humans, and it is a worrying place to be.”

“I know,” replied Hedgehog, “But don’t give up hope. There are some kind and caring humans out there who are working hard to protect you and your home.”

Polar Bear replied, “I do hope so, old chum. Otherwise, you and I will only exist on homeware and gifts. Whilst it’s nice to be celebrated, we do so want to be alive to enjoy it.”

“Good point,” said Hedgehog. And a silence fell between them.

A few moments passed, and Hedgehog let out a big sigh and said, “Come on then, my friend. Let’s enjoy your special day and let the humans celebrate your existence. I am sure they have some plans to keep your icy home safe for generations to come.”

And they trotted off on a trip down memory lane where the ice caps stretched far and wide, and the world was full of wild places for creatures big and small.

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