About Jin Designs
A Note from Jinny, Designer and Founder of Jin Designs
Thanks for taking the time to find out a bit more about Jin Designs. Jin Designs gets its name from me. Jin. Or Jinny - actually short for Virginia. But that's between you and me!
I’m a Graphic Designer based on the sunny south coast of the UK, in a place called Hove Actually, next to Brighton. In June 2013, I launched my own designs on a range of high quality homeware and gifts.
This was the start of the challenging small business journey! It came about as a result of many years of not entirely knowing what to do with my life, but finding that I was quite good at putting graphics on a page and designing for the web. You can read about this in the more in-depth Story behind Jin Designs.
The first design collections to launch was the Cat Collections, specifically, Sitting Cat and Sleeping Cat. I love cats. The inspiration behind these comes from a cat I had when growing up. The Story behind Sleeping Cat explains where this came from. After the heartbreak of losing my cat, I never wanted to go through that pain again.
But if you avoid pain you also end up avoiding a lot of joy. And in September 2018, after many years of deliberating, I finally brought a cat into the studio. Pebbles, a female British Shorthair, joined the Jin Designs team and works hard in areas such as admin, marketing and generally running the place. She loves social media too and enjoys keeping you updated here: @pebbles_by_the_sea
I care about where my products come from, who makes them and the impact they have on the environment. I realise this is an area that needs improvement as we adapt and grow but I'm small enough to learn and develop and make changes.
I work closely with UK manufacturers to produce a high quality standard of work, using sustainable products and production methods. You can watch this short video to see how a Jin Designs Mug is made.
I have a team in the warehouse who carefully pack and send my orders. This allows me to spend more time designing, marketing and running all other areas of the business. It's not easy and requires many hats! But I love what I do.

Jin Designs is a small but growing business. It's taken a lot of hard work to get to this point and there’s still a lot to do but I'm really enjoying the journey.
You can also find Jin Designs on other online platforms such as Not On The High Street and Etsy - and in selected shops across the UK and the world.
Please get in touch if you have any comments or feedback. It's always good to hear from you.