What it Means to Turn 6 years old

The years are clocking up! On Saturday 8th June 2019, Jin Designs Homeware and Gifts turned 6 years old. It's easy to let the years go by and not sit back and reflect.  

Jin and Pebbles

Is there another 6 years to come? Of course! There's still so much I want to do. I feel I haven't even started on some days. Yes it is hard and I have spent much of the last 6 years working on my own. I think the key for me will be to work with others and to get help in the areas I'm not able to cover so well. It has obviously been a great help having Pebbles in the studio but with her paws, as much as she tries, her skills are limited.

A big thank you to all my customers, some of whom have been here from the start. Others I have met along the way. Some I have never met but are always there to give encouragement and feedback through emails or social media. It's all kept me going on this journey. 

The business has been a real learning curve and I still don't have the answers. But onwards we shall strive.