Interesting Facts about Penguin Love
With every design comes a lot of research here at Jin Designs. And when designing Penguin, there was a lot to learn about these sea birds. As any penguin lover will know, they are some of the most loyal creatures on the planet. Most breeds of penguin choose a mate and stay with them for the rest of their lives. Here's a few interesting facts to share about penguins.

Just like us humans, penguins spend their lives living in communities. These little village like setups are called rookeries. They protect each other from the cold and from predators in their groups. They are even known to take trips with their closest and extended family members!
Once they have decided on a partner, male penguins search long and hard for the perfect gift to present their new love, it comes in the form of a beautiful, smooth pebble. It is common for male penguins to even fight other penguins for the pebble they’ve set their hearts on. If the penguin partner accepts the present, the pair will put the stone in a nest together which acts as a representation of their love and their commitment to creating a future together.
Penguin Pebbling
One of the most heartwarming behaviours of penguins is their courtship ritual of "pebbling." Male penguins will comb beaches and rocks to find the smoothest, most perfect pebble to present to their chosen mate. This act of gift-giving is their way of expressing affection and forming a bond. If the pebble is accepted, it marks the beginning of their journey as partners. This tradition showcases the creativity and dedication of penguins and is a beautiful symbol of love and loyalty in the animal kingdom.
The term "pebbling" has even entered modern language, used to describe thoughtful or romantic gestures that reflect the care and effort penguins put into their gift-giving. It’s a lovely way to honour these remarkable creatures and their inspiring expressions of love.
When they do eventually have babies, both the mother and the father play large roles in taking care of their young. They share the roles of feeding, nurturing, and parenting them. How adorable!
Luckily for the friends and family of penguin lovers, there need not be any searching, fighting of pebble giving when they want to give a gift.
Jin Designs has a collection of gorgeous illustrated penguin items which make for perfect presents. Find Penguin on bespoke china china mugs, a pair of matching coasters, a recycled glass worktop saver and a pack of four cards
These gifts are just as meaningful to a penguin lover as a pebble to a penguin but arguably more useful. Do you have penguin lover in your life? And how similar do you think penguins really are to people?
If you're a penguin lover, check out the Jin Designs Penguin Collection