Interview for Jinny in Your Cat Magazine
This month, Designer Jinny was interviewed by Your Cat Magazine who wanted to know more about the inspiration behind her cat designs. It was a chance to share with readers the story behind Sitting Cat and Sleeping Cat and offer an insight into her home and giftware business.
Q: How do cats inspire your designs?
A: There was a very special cat in my life when I was growing up, called Mittle. This cat not only inspired my designs, but also inspired me to start a business. We grew up together and I was devastated when she had to be put down. She is the inspiration behind my Sitting Cat and Sleeping Cat designs, and it's these designs that helped me launch my home and giftware business. Sitting Cat and Sleeping Cat are for people who love cats, and for those who have loved and lost.
Q: Do you own any cats - if so, can you tell us a bit about them?
A: I don't own any cats but I'm hoping this year will be different. I think I felt so much pain with this first experience that I haven't had the courage to let a cat in my life again! I'm realising now though that you can't go through life avoiding pain. It just means you miss out on all the good things - and life's too short for that.
Q: Will you be doing any more cat collections in the future?
A: I love cats so I'd love to extend these collections and I have some ideas I'm working on. I'd also like to extend the product range so there will be more products available in both cat collections. It's exciting times!
Q: Which is your favourite product from your collections and why?
A: I think my favourite product would have to be the Sitting Cat and Sleeping Cat Mug Set. It's a set of fine bone china mugs, hand-decorated in Stoke. The mugs are very clean and simple. They are perfect for taking time out and enjoying a nice cup of tea!
Sitting Cat and Sleeping Cat Mug Set - £24.00