Setting Up a Trade Show Stand
It's not an easy task setting up an exhibition stand. Pulse Trade Show was Jin Designs third trade event and to be fair, it does get slightly easier each time. It helps when you are familiar with the venue and luckily this is the third time to Olympia too. The aim is to keep it simple. And this is how it goes...
A sunny day is essential. Although you won't see much of the weather.
You're usually faced with a blank canvas.
Bring trusty friend and start to paint. By the way, the venue will charge for this pleasure. You can either get them to paint your stand for you, or you can do the job yourself at a slightly cheaper price. You also have to pay for lights. And electrics. And let's not mention the cost for parking. As it all adds up try not to stress. The aim is to make the money back in sales! Oh, and hi-viz vests are compulsory. If you forget yours, don't worry. The beauty of these events is a FREE hi viz vest with every trade stand!
The next few hours are spent fiddling and faffing and organising stock. It helps if you can plan your stand before you go. Usually my living room turns into a trade show stand a couple of weeks before. I set it out and then take photos. It makes things a lot less stressful if you know where everything is going to go when you get there.
Nearly done. It takes a few hours but this was the smoothest one so far. A big thanks to my friend Boycey who helped me set up. Just about ready for the show!
All set and ready!