Interest Grows with Recent Press Coverage
Last month was a busy time for Jin Designs with lots of fantastic press coverage. Products were featured in Sussex Life, Heart Home and in New York's, Mrs Sizzle. Graphic Designer Jinny was also interviewed by ETC Magazine whose request for a decent portrait photograph for an article in the September issue, prompted some fast attention. Time to call in the professionals.
Professional Photographers, Brighton Togs, answered the urgent request and sent round their talented photographer, Skye. After a few clicks of the camera, a portfolio of images was created for press releases, interviews and publicity materials.
Designer Jinny commented "I prefer to draw on mugs than be one but thanks to Brighton Togs, they've created a great set of images to help put a decent mug shot to Jin Designs. I'm really pleased with these images. It's amazing what the camera and a talented photographer can do!"
She went on to say "It's not easy running a business. You have to be able to sell yourself as well as your product. It's been great to get a good run of press articles and I'm thankful to those who have helped with that. Interest is growing each day around the products and I feel very confident it's going to be a bright future for Jin Designs."