10 Years and a Bit of History
Today is a special day in Jin Designs history. It's 10 years since the brand was created. Jin Designs began on 15th December 2005 as a web and graphic design business. In June 2013, the direction of the business changed when Designer and Owner Jinny launched her own range of home and giftware and Jin Designs as we know it today was founded. So it's a good time to reflect. And to see the changes that have happened over the last 10 years.
There's been a few changes to the design over the years. The early logos are shown above, along with one of the original Jin comics created by Jinny in 1987. So perhaps the Jin Designs journey has been a little longer than the 10 years passing by today.
Jinny commented "I woke up this morning and thought, wow, 10 years. For anyone who runs their own business, they know how incredibly hard it is and there are times when you want to walk away. But something keeps you going. Belief. Desire. Determination. And the need to pay the bills!"
She went on to say "I won't make a big celebration of it but it's good to reflect. Jin Designs official birthday is now June 8th when it will be 3 years since the products were launched. It's a new journey now and I'm so excited about where this is going."
"It's strange though. When I look back on the early Jin comics, I think Jin Designs has always been there - in some form or another. But it's taken a long time to have the belief and confidence to go for it. The best thing has been the positive reaction from customers, friends, family and strangers. And the belief inside to never give up. That's what keeps me going."
"Anyway, for some reason, I've ended up with two Jin Designs Birthdays - which isn't such a bad thing. Well, if it's good enough for the Queen..."